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Benefits of Automatic Doors

In the recent years, we have seen requirements for automatic doors growing in the Philippines. However, since it is common knowledge that automatic doors will be more premium than manual doors, most people shun away from installing automatic doors in their premises. However, there are also many benefits that can be derived from using automatic doors against conventional manual doors.


  1. Convenience
    Imagine that your going to enter the building or any entrance and you are carrying both shopping bags in your hand. With a manual sliding door, you have to unload your shopping bags whereas automatic doors allow you to walk through it easily without stopping, saving you time, effort and the hassle. This is especially useful for hotel with travelers carrying their luggage with them.
  2. Safety and Security
    Automatic doors have sensor and light barriers to detect presence or movement. For households with small children, parents do not have to worry about their children’s getting hit by the door.lock2 Some of automatic doors can carry not only glass or wood, but also heavy steel doors with up to 1000kg of weight. Special applications like panic doors or airport doors to prevent hijackers from entering the plane uses automatic doors. Furthermore, automatic doors especially Besam automatic doors are compatible with all range of security system including fingerprint biometrics and facial recognition device. It makes security solutions more integrated
  3. Savings
    Automatic Doors prevents thermal transfer between the interior and exterior. It ensures that doors are always shut unlike manual doors where sometimes the last person always forget to close the door. In the Philippines, where we use airconditioning units, automatic doors prevent heat outside from coming in. Hence, we can set our air-conditioning units  at a higher temperature, which will help us save costs in the long run. In addition, with automatic doors, we save on manpower whose sole responsibility is to open and close doors for guests.
  4. Image
    Since automatic doors had been seen as a premium product, having an automatic door installed in your office or home gives the impression that the owner or management is always in the fore-front of innovation and change. Your guests can be assured that you’re trendy.
  5. Boost Retail Sales
    Automatic doors invite customers to step inside the retail shop. As with the previous point, it gives your customers a feel that you sell luxury or premium products and not cheap ones. As you and I know that customers always seek for quality in addition to price and service.adult-18774_640
  6. Disabled-person and Elderly friendly
    It is difficult to elderly or disabled people to open doors independently. Automatic door solves this problem if you don’t have a staff that opens doors for them. In fact, in other countries, it is mandatory by law that malls and building owners are required to install automatic sliding doors for toilets intended for disabled people.
  7. Durabiity
    Sometimes humans unintentionally bang sliding doors or swing doors. If automatic doors are used, the movement of the door will always be controlled and precise, adding to the durability. Furthermore, Besam Automatic Sliding Doors such as the SL500 are certified to have a minimum of 1 million cycles of open and close.
  8. Ideal High Volume Traffic
    Automatic doors can easily accomodate the high volume traffic of people. That’s why most automatic doors are installed on airports and hotels where human traffic is high.
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